Purchase "Atheism: The Case Against God" by George H SmithAs an introduction to atheistic philosophy this book is very good. It tries to use non-technical language and examples to justify it's positions. It deals with the flaws of theism in general and in Christianity in particular. It has a lot to say about the meaning of revelations, faith as a method to knowledge, miracles and more. It deals with some of the "proofs" of the existence of god(s) and undermines them quiet nicely.

Review taken from Amazon.com

Purchase "Why Atheism?" by George H SmithGeorge H. Smith... continues his defense of reason, freethought, and personal liberty by answering the age-old question: why atheism? Why would anyone question the existence of a supernatural deity? Smith reviews the historical roots of unbelief dating back to the ancient Greeks, argues that philosophy can serve as an important alternative to religion, and defends reason as the most reliable method we humans have for establishing truth and conducting our lives.

Review taken from Amazon.com

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