Purchase "Capitalism & Freedom" by Milton FriedmanIn the classic bestseller, Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman presents his view of the proper role of competitive capitalism--the organization of economic activity through private enterprise operating in a free market--as both a device for achieving economic freedom and a necessary condition for political freedom. Beginning with a discussion of principles of a liberal society, Friedman applies them to such constantly pressing problems as monetary policy, discrimination, education, income distribution, welfare, and poverty.

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Purchase "Free To Choose" by Milton FriedmanFor 25 years government and universities ran the Internet. It had lots of good information on it. Technically, any of us could have gone online during that time. As soon as the ".com" was added in the mid-1990's, however, ZOOM! It is precisely to meet the "selfish" end of the "greedy" capitalists that we have the well-used, user-friendly Internet of today, and the far, far better Internet we will have tomorrow. Meanwhile, what does the government want to do with the Internet? Censor it. Control it. Regulate it to death. Dr. and Rose Freidman's book is a must for anyone who wants to understand the creative process--whether it's creating wealth or creating social good.

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Purchase "A Monetary History of the United States" by Milton FriedmanThis monumental work swept away all the now archaic notions about especially the great depression. The old rationalisms that the causes of the depression were  1) the Smoot Hawley tariff  2) over speculation in the stock market or  3) that lower interest rates are the same as increased liquidity have been swept in to the dust bin of history repeated now only by the technically challenged.

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Purchase "The Libertarian Reader" by Milton FriedmanThe first collection of seminal writings on a movement that is rapidly changing the face of American politics, The Libertarian Reader links some of the most fertile minds of our time to a centuries-old commitment to freedom, self-determination, and opposition to intrusive government. A movement that today counts among its supporters Steve Forbes, Nat Hentoff, and P.J. O'Rourke, libertarianism joins a continuous thread of political reason running throughout history.

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Purchase "Money Mischief" by Milton FriedmanA lively, enlightening introduction to monetary history from the libertarian economist whose contributions to the quantity theory of money earned him a Nobel Prize in 1976. Starting from the premise that no society or individual is unaffected by monetary policy, Friedman (co-author, Tyranny of the Status Quo, 1984, etc.) offers a quick and simplified briefing on monetary theory that stresses, among other matters, one of his favorite themes--that ``inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.''

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Purchase "The Road To Serfdom" by Milton FriedmanFrom start to finish, this book offers a truly lucid and perceptive analysis of just why those who advocate economic planning are, in truth, advocating dictatorship. The free society contains individuals imbued with economic power (i.e., this can not be so it the government has it all!). This economic freedom is conducive to the freedom endorsed by democracy. The capitalist system is about freedom, freedom to choose and freedom from those great and good who think they should really choose for us.

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